Girls Varsity Volleyball


Faith Garcia-Aguilar

Lady Eagle’s Volleyball remain focused during the game.

Faith Garcia, News Editor



As they prepared for their match, the girls varsity team were set to play against El Monte High school on the 14th of September. All players are seen to be dressed in varsity colors of blue.

South El Monte’s varsity team was supported on the bleachers and were cheered with words of encouragement and positivity from family and friends of fellow SEMHS teammates.

The game began at 3:30 pm in the South El Monte gymnasium. The bleachers had already been filled by stacks of relatives and friends.  Some had even brought chairs of their own. Staff and students then slowly began to fill the empty rows of the left side of the bleachers. On the right side of the bleachers resided the opposing team’s family and peers. Across them was where the coaches and  judges of both teams had been.

Throughout the game, the varsity team played with intense determination. South’s Daisy Garcia stated, ¨I kept my focus making sure I gave it all I got.¨ Stating that her main goal was to maintain focus. Other team members had agreed as well, stating that in all honesty they were just trying their hardest to score as many points as possible.

As the game neared its end, the audience was more eager than before, all awaiting the final score. With June Cardenas on offense and Alaena Magana on assist, they both supported the team with 19 offensive hits and 19 assists. Daisy Ayala, had gained a total of 21 outstanding serves for the team. As the Lady Eagles rapidly racked up their points, Clarissa Sparks on defense earned 27 passes. In the final minutes Naomi Dominguez of SEMHS scored the final point, having the most kills with 9 out of 9 hits. All their hard work had paid off. In the end, South El Monte had defeated El Monte High School with a smashing 3-1 victory.