Annual Toy Drive

Dr. Morales displays some toys that some kids will be taking home.

Jorge Alvear, South Side Editor

It’s the time of the year where we give, not only presents, but love as well. In the spirit of Christmas, South El Monte is hosting an annual toy drive to spread happiness and love to our community.  

South El Monte takes part in this event to provide gifts for people who can’t afford it or don’t have the opportunity to purchase gifts. For several years South El Monte High School has taken it upon themselves to gather as many gifts as we can so that people will be able to enjoy a Merry Christmas and Happy holidays.

When asked about what he feels about the toy drive Brando stated,”It’s a good thing because we are able to give kids gifts that they wouldn’t be able to get on their own. The kids and families who aren’t able to buy gifts but by donating toys we are able to help give them joy during the holidays.”

At the end the winner will be awarded a pizza party. Last year’s winner Mrs. Wessel  said that to her the toy drive means more than just winning. She stated, “It’s a great way to give back for the holidays since there are a lot of people who cannot afford gifts for their kids and even for parents. I know that is specifically for kids who are infants through 18 which is covering a large group. That is what Christmas is about being able to give to others.” 

Also there are many, many children who do not have the benefit of getting the latest toy to play with. They are lucky to have something from the dollar store. Many people forget that toys foster imagination, encourage role play, and hand-eye coordination. It’s not just something to keep them busy, donating toys help children enjoy the holidays and have a great experience. 

  Billy Morales, senior for South El Monte High School states, “Personally for me it’s a great idea because it’s about helping kids in need since I am in a club for helping kids in need.” In his club during October they collected money so they could buy toys for those kids in need so they can have a great experience for the holidays.