In different movies and books, the future is often portrayed as innovative with majorly advanced technology. However, this vision could very well become a reality. The current advancements in technology are extremely transformative. There is a high possibility that we will see more artificial intelligence in the future, but is this the right move for society? Can humanity handle the rapid change and takeover of technology?
Before we get into further details, what is AI? Artificial intelligence is different technologies that enable computers or other devices to perform functions. The term artificial intelligence was first used in 1956 by computer scientist John McCarthy. Another important engineer and inventor was Vannevar Bush. He is known as “The Godfather of Information Science.” In the early 1930s, he and several colleagues at MIT invented the first modern analog computer named the Differential Analyzer. Bush and his creation were important because they opened the possibility of computers.
These early developments paved the way for technologies that are a part of our everyday lives, such as smartphones, computers, televisions, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Now that you know a little more about the origins and beginnings of technology what are the possibilities with AI?
There are many possibilities to what AI can do, but more particularly let’s look at what can affect our everyday lives. That’s where the topic of the future of jobs and AI comes in. The jobs that are most at risk of being replaced by artificial intelligence are online jobs and basic jobs such as media marketing, finance, customer service, cashiers, and store clerks. But with more advancement who knows what could happen with these devices? This has already been seen in an arena in Inglewood CA called Intuit Dome. The arena, like most, includes shops for merchandise and food and beverage. The only thing is, there are no cashiers! With its high-tech design, the Intuit Dome has an app that uses facial recognition for tickets and stores throughout the arena. Guests can simply walk into a store to grab what they want and it charges them from the app using security cameras and the facial recognition feature! This shows the major progression of technologies. Can you believe it?
That was just one example of how advanced technology is. Knowing that, who knows what is to come in the future? Maybe the future we see in movies and hear about in books isn’t too far from our reality. The possibilities are endless. With time and some programming will AI take over? What do you think?
Billy • Nov 20, 2024 at 11:28 am
I believe the current rapid progression of all sorts of technology such as AI is a good thing that benefits humanity when used with good intentions. AI will definitely take over the future as a daily tool/necessity just as we did with mobile touch screen phones that came out about 32 years ago (IBM Simon Phone 1992). AI itself did not just come out of nowhere as AI was being studied very early on in the 1950’s and only became popularized in recent years, particularly Chat GPT models and Tesla Optimus Robots which both seek to help humans rather than preform negatively. AI strictly preforms under the rules and codes humans created for it which is impossible for it to turn against us, if such thing were to happen then it wouldv’e been been tampered or manipulated by vice human interference.
Diego • Nov 20, 2024 at 11:07 am
I think AI should take over any high-risk jobs because it is better to have a broken robot than a dead person. The only jobs AI should not take over are any creative jobs. These jobs require creative people, which are way better than binary code because binary code would just throw out the same stories/art.
Jasmine • Nov 20, 2024 at 10:53 am
AI will take over because it’s all slowly turning into advanced technology.
xavier santana • Nov 20, 2024 at 10:53 am
while i think AI can be a massive help in replacing more monotonus and dangerous jobs and tasks, the probility of keeping them from mistakes is high due to AI still being not fully recognized
xavier santana • Nov 20, 2024 at 10:51 am
luis salas • Nov 19, 2024 at 1:34 pm
I think ai will take over ut in a good way, yes they can take jobs but who needs em