When it comes to ASB, no one ever appreciates their hard work. People only look at the results and never their commitment and dedication. Most ASB members wonder why they don’t get appreciated, is it something they are doing wrong, or is it not enough for the school? After all the events and hard work, they know they at least put their part in it to make the events look nice.
ASB has always worked harder than anyone else, they have to be at school at 5:30 am for big events. For example, the first day of school and the blue and gold rally. Most students wonder how long it takes to plan an event, well here is the answer to your question. ASB members have weekly meetings to see if there are any ideas on what they want the events to look like. These events need posters that can take up to at least 1 week, yet they still have to do their school work. Most staff might think that those students only want that class to get rid of any classes they don’t like but in reality, those students only want to be part of ASB because they want to make South El Monte have the best school spirit in the district. An example of what all ASB members need to be a part of and committed to is the halftime show.
The halftime show is a performance they must do during the homecoming game. They perform on October 11, 2024, and our school plays against El Monte. This year our Homecoming theme is Through The Decades, every class year is assigned a different year. Here are themes for every class year: 2000s (seniors), 1990s (juniors), 1980s ( sophomores), and the 1970s (freshmen). All ASB members have to be in the show or else they could get kicked out of the class for not showing commitment and effort. The members started practicing the dances on August 20th at 4:00-6:00 pm, and to this day they are still practicing on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. ASB members need to be there even if they have sports, they still need to attend and it’s their job to learn the dances when they go to practice. Our school has been the best for halftime shows in the district and they are still planning to be the best. But if any staff sees a mistake that ASB members make they go and complain about it but when it comes to them seeing them do a good thing they don’t go and say something nice.
An ASB member, Giselle Ramirez, says,“ Staff and students only see the bad side of us if we do something wrong but they never see the side of us when we do good. Yet they don’t understand how much effort we put into this school.” Members are the only ones seeing that their work is not much to them. It’s not fair how these students will wake up early and decorate our school with all the joyful ideas they have. These students are the definition of commitment. No matter what grade you are in or being a freshman and you decide to join you will not understand how much commitment and dedication you need to put in.
One of those ASB members is Nuahine Ludwig. She decided to join ASB this year as a freshman but she didn’t understand how much work she had to put in just for this school. Not even in the first week that she decided to join, her responsibility was to get 3 posters in under a week. Most people don’t understand that you need to put dedication. Some old members even had to remove ASB from their schedule because they were falling behind in their other classes and ended up getting bad grades. Most people can’t handle ASB because this class asks for commitment and hard work. But ASB members give their best in turning in the work that they were asked and that’s what matters, most don’t care about what the others think about how they came out, at least they committed to it.
In conclusion, with all the commitment and dedication, all ASB members are ready for any events that come their way because they want our school to have the most spirit. No matter how hard it can get to them, they are still willing to do their part, because they joined the class for a reason and for our school to be number 1. You can be committed to something while you have other plans, you are capable of doing it, because if one student can keep up with a bunch of things, so can you. We hope ASB gets recognized for their dedication to our school.
Yamile G • Nov 20, 2024 at 10:59 am
This article tells us about how hard ASB students work to make our school look beautiful.
Ruby Gonzalez • Nov 19, 2024 at 1:14 pm
This article highlights the efforts ASB students make to improve our school, while having their school work, sports, and other extra curricular activities. The dedication to our school should not be overlooked by teachers just from a slip up or two. I like how this article brings up everything that our students do besides just ASB.
Jasmine V • Nov 19, 2024 at 1:12 pm
This article showed me how hard they work for the school events.
Esmeralda Galvan • Nov 19, 2024 at 1:10 pm
This article shows me that the thoughts that I had for ASB were wrong because reading this proved to me that they are hard working people who are determined to make our school look good. They deserve more recognition because they do a lot for this school, for example waking up early, going to weekly meeting, and managing schoolwork as well.
David Ramirez • Oct 18, 2024 at 11:09 am
The article I read was named “The Truth About ASB”. My favorite part about the article was informing me about things I hadn’t already known about what ASB does in regards to school events I found it very interesting. I agree that ASB does not get enough recognition, throughout various events or projects only very few people take into consideration what needed to be done via ASB. A question I have for the author would be what would be a solution to lack of recognition?
Billy Perez • Oct 18, 2024 at 10:59 am
How should ASB members get the help they need with managing their time while working on these projects and what can be done to improve time efficiency?
Catlyn Liem • Oct 16, 2024 at 1:16 pm
I liked how you showed how ASB is behind the scenes! They need recognition for everything they do for this school.