Spring sports are often overlooked in comparison to fall or winter sports. So I have decided to talk about some. Did you know that track and field dates back to ancient Greece, the greeks would celebrate their Greek gods by showing off their athletic skills it is by far the oldest organized sport, and for good reason, track, and field is a sport that takes so much motivation and dedication.
I have interviewed a track and field distance player Baiorn Pego. I asked how do you think you did based on your season so far? He replied “I enjoyed this season so far it has been fun going to different high schools

and the atmosphere when racing is great.” the second question asked was so far in the season have you encountered any problems? He replied, “A problem I have encountered is staying consistent because I feel sore
after practice but I need to keep the grind up you know.” South El Montes track and field team just had their last league meet some athletes have been chosen to go to the prelims which are used to narrow down the number of athletes therefore making it more competitive.
The next sport I will be talking about is softball. Our South El Monte softball team is now the 2024 league champ after beating Arroyo 7-1! Our softball team also went 12-0 in league. I have interviewed Loreli Castrejon, Loreli Castrejon is a sophomore who has played softball here at South El Monte for two years and has been on Varsity for two years. South El Montes softball team has reached a milestone achieving their 400th win for the program this season against Mountain View 19-1 on April 13th, 2024 the first question I asked her was with the season coming to an end, what are your thoughts on the season you guys have had? She replied “With the season coming to an end I’ve seen how much we’ve grown as a group of girls, we all want to see each other succeed leading us to have success as a team, I believe we’ve had a great season competing with teams in and out of league, I’m excited to see what playoffs hold for us.” the second question I asked her was How do you feel about being in the team that has achieved the 400th win for the program? She replied, “I feel amazing being part of the team that helped win, I think coach Bunt is extremely deserving of this because of what he does for us as well as the school, Bunt is the reason our program has had as much success as it’s had, without him who knows where our program would be.”
The next sport is baseball. For baseball, I have interviewed the head baseball coach, Coach Gonzales. The first question I asked was now that the season is coming to an end how do you think you’re team did during pre-season and in-season was there improvement? He replied “When we start the season we try to break it down into three seasons, Preseason, Our main season, and our post-season i believe that in preseason we got about a B grade as we were learning how to win together as a team. We are currently in the league and we are pretty close to winning the league title which is something that hasn’t been done in eight years, hanging the culture, we’re a pretty talented bunch and I think they have what it takes to make something happen here.” and they did make something happen as our baseball team went on to finish league 11-1 and secure that mission valley league title in a match against Arroyo where they won 7-1!
I hope to see our spring sports continue to do great at our school and keep on taking those Mission Valley League titles congratulations to baseball, and softball.