Meet Miss Cornejo
Pictured: Miss Cornejo, South’s newest math teacher.
December 13, 2022
Ms. Cornejo is the new math teacher here at South El Monte High School. She acquired her bachelor’s degree from UC Berkeley, but got her teaching credential from CSU Long Beach. She was also a fellow student at SEMHS. Ms Cornejo was asked why she had become a teacher, she stated, “My peers would ask me for help. I would have to jump around from student to student teaching them how to do the classwork. They would tell me they only understand it when I explain it, and that I would make a good teacher. There’s a feeling of satisfaction/joy when you successfully get someone to understand math.” Ms. Cornejo felt inspired by her fellow classmates and the feeling of “satisfaction/joy” when she successfully taught someone to understand math.
Ms. Cornejo when asked if she expects to still be teaching at South in 5 years, she responded with, “I could very much see myself teaching at South 5 years from now. I love that I can connect with South students more because I come from a similar background…It is sentimental to me.” Ms. Cornejo also believes she may not have been here if it weren’t for the inspiration fellow students gave her. She can also connect with students better due to her stating, “I went to some of the same elementary/middle schools as them and may even have had the same teachers.” This shows that they can have a stronger connection with her students, and have stronger bonds with them.
Ms. Cornejo also works with a program called Upward Bound she stated, “It’s a federally funded program for students that are low-income and/or first generation college students. It helps students with college awareness, applying, college tours, STEM enrichment workshops, cultural activities, etc.” This program helped her get to college and she credits this program by stating, “I personally believe I wouldn’t be where I am without the guidance and support of the program.” Since Ms. Cornejo now has students of her own, she tells her students about this opportunity that can not be missed, and the opportunity that betters your chances at succeeding in whichever career you choose.