Graduation 2022 Preview

May 25, 2022
Presenting Class of 2022
This June, students, parents, staff, and faculty members will be gathered together for one unforgettable night. Peers celebrate each other’s accomplishments and gather to pay tribute to these past four years of High School. These past four years have been full of memories, struggles, and accomplishments. This year back has taught us that we can persevere throughout the most difficult conditions. A lot was different, but seniors have come back in full force, and are ready to jump out into the real world. Class of 2022, once the nervous freshman who wandered on campus in 2018, are now blossoming into young adults, ready to face the future. Although seniors are almost done, these next few weeks are full of exciting stuff.
Highly anticipated, and for the second time since the infamous Corona Virus Pandemic, our 2022 Graduation ceremony will be held June 2, 2022 at 7pm in our stadium.
Graduation practices will begin May 31, 2022 at 8:30am. Additional practices are to follow on June 1 and June 2, both starting promptly at 8:30am. For each practice, students have the opportunity to earn two graduation tickets for each practice they attend on time. Since there are three practices, students have the ability to gather up to six graduation tickets.
A prompt arrival is vital in order to secure graduation tickets, you don’t want to miss out!
Additional tickets will be available to purchase for families who need to seat more loved ones at $5 a piece. Seating will open up at 6pm for families to begin gathering their graduation spots. Children 5 and under will be free since they can sit in the lap of their parents.
Students will gather together before the ceremony to take a panoramic senior portrait, which will be available for purchase online. Students are encouraged to arrive promptly at 5pm in order to participate in the senior panoramic.
The ceremony will begin at 7pm. Photographers will be available on the field, so seniors are encouraged to look their absolute best. All purchases will be made online. Students and parents can visit for more information in regards to photography. No personal photographers will be permitted on the field, but you may bring your own camera. Photos by Rodass studios are not mandatory.
Students must arrive dressed in their cap and gowns to allow them to participate in the ceremony. Cap tassels are on their way, and will be passed out to seniors as we near the Graduation date. If you have not yet bought your cap and gown, it will be available for purchase at the student store for $40.
Yes, you will be allowed to decorate your grad cap. South El Monte High School officials advise, only appropriate messages, images, and decorations will be allowed. If your cap is deemed inappropriate or disrespectful, you will receive a clean cap. 3D decorations will not be allowed in order to preserve the view of graduates. Caps must be flush, or flat. Balloons will not be allowed in the crowd, for it obstructs the view of patrons sitting behind.
A few words from our seniors…
As seniors reflect on this past year, their struggles and accomplishments are highlighted as they celebrate this achievement.
Senior Yadhira Peralta states, “I’m definitely excited for graduation. I’m inviting my parents, my grandmas, and my cousins to watch me walk across the stage. I’ll be there with my AVID sash. After graduation, I’m going to Cal Poly Pomona, so I’m definitely cherishing these last few moments. I’m really excited that high school is over, but I’m also sad because I won’t see a lot of these friends again after we go our separate ways.”
Senior Jayleen Garcia states, “I’m excited and scared for graduation, really. We will finally be exposed to how the real world functions. This year, I’m inviting my parents and siblings to come watch me accomplish my first step into adulthood. I’m going to decorate my cap, I want it to represent something that’s helped me guide my life throughout my childhood into modern day. After graduation, I’ll be headed to community college with plans to transfer and follow my dreams. I have really mixed emotions about school being over. Everything will change for better or worse. In the future, everyone will have their own lives and this will just be a memory.”
Senior Alberto Jara shares, “I’m very excited for graduation. high school went faster than a blink of an eye. I’ll be inviting my family, they’re the ones that stood by me during distance learning. They support me to this day, standing by me for my next moves. I’m looking forward to decorating my grad cap and I think I’ll place the logo of my clothing brand on it. After graduation, it’s party time. I want to celebrate all the hard work I had to put into high school, I have plans to further my clothing brand. I’ll be working on a short film this summer. Now that high school is really over, I’m feeling happy, sad, and a little angry. It’s a mix of emotions, it doesn’t even feel real.”
Senior Mariajose Lara shares, “Although I’m nervous for the next steps, I’m very excited to graduate. I’m looking forward to the new experiences that are to come. Most likely, I’ll be inviting my parents, aunties, and cousins. I’ll be proudly wearing my AVID and ECA sashes as I walk across the stage. I want to decorate my cap definitely, hopefully I could represent some of my Mexican heritage through it while honoring my parents for their support. After graduation, I’m set to attend UCLA, so i’ll be finding a job soon to save up. I haven’t completely wrapped my head around the fact that high school is really over. I remember that as a young kid, I thought my graduation was so far away, and to see it approaching so soon is odd. Maybe on the first night of summer it will hit me that high school is really over.”
Senior Julie Iniguez shares, “I’m ready to graduate and be free of school stress, but I’m also scared to face the real world. This year I’m inviting my grandparents, my Tio, godmother, and my cousins to come watch me. I’ll be wearing my ECA and AVID sashes to walk the stage. I’m going to decorate my cap as a theme to my favorite TV show, so i’m really excited about that. After graduation, I’m going to go eat and celebrate with my family. For the following weeks I’m going to go to graduation parties and then focus on jobs. Overall, I’m overwhelmed, excited, and nervous to face life after high school. I know I’m going to be okay, I’ll survive.”