Meet New ASB President, Camila Ortega

Leonardo Diaz-Chavez

ASB President Camila Ortega

Leonardo Diaz, Editorial Editor

On November 18th, 2021, or last fall semester, voting for who would become president of ASB started. Junior Camila Ortega decided to run for president. What she wanted to do when becoming the ASB president was to set an example for everybody and help people in the school that need it. Now that she has been elected president, she has done many things to help students at South El Monte. Some examples are that students text her or email her to get some help on how to become an ASB member, as well as find out the dates of events that are coming up.


Some of Camila’s interests and hobbies include listening to music, reading books, and painting. Her passion when she became president is to be a fair, and fun leader for everybody at South El Monte High school.  She loves the ASB club and what it does to help the school in ways that support the students here 


One example of ASB helping the students at this school is when they do an act of kindness. They do this every week on non-specific days. ASB does things like pick up trash that’s all around the school, help new/foreign students, and special needs students. Camila wanted to become the ASB president for the reason to help lead people to success. “We are proud leaders that are willing to help no matter what.” said Camila.