January Board of Education Meeting has Significant Consequences for the EMUHSD
January 26, 2022
On January 5, 2022 the El Monte Union High School Board of Education held a meeting talking about the rules and changes in school policies due to the rise in COVID-19 cases. The meeting was held at the Board of Trustees Office. The Board of Trustees have the overall responsibility for the administration of the district and its policies and procedures.
With more cases of COVID-19 rising, schools are having shortages in staff. According to the El Monte Union School District Board of Education Meeting notes, “Average number of classroom teachers absent over the past three days is 58.” Testing is now required for students and staff regardless if they have the vaccination. Staff are now required to wear surgical masks and students are required to to wear masks that are well fitted and non-cloth. The board also stated, “Masking is now required for all outdoor activities where physical distancing is not feasible, except while eating or drinking.”
Staff and students are encouraged to get the booster dose of COVID-19. In the meeting it was advised with the following statement, “Strong recommendation for all eligible staff and students to receive a booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.” Students who are exposed must monitor themselves and keep masks on at all times. Prior to returning staff, students, and families are provided with practical messages and information.
Over the winter break there were a lot of COVID-19 cases. Since there were so many cases, at home test kits were distributed to students on January 4, 2022. On site COVID-19 testing and school vaccination clinics are provided to the school community. According to a chart posted on the district’s website there are about 7,362 students in the entire district and only about 5,793 students are vaccinated which accounts for 78.60% of the student population.
The meeting can be viewed on the El Monte Union High School District or on YouTube: