GoFan ticketing App is introduced to SEMHS events

October 1, 2021
On Thursday, September 9th, South El Monte High school principal Dr. Jorge Morales notified students via email that there is to be a new ticketing process for the 2021-2022 school year. The new process allows for easier access to buying tickets for events such as dances and football games through an app called GoFan. Prior to this announcement, during previous school years, tickets for events were sold in physical form at games and dances. The GoFan app grants prospectors the ability to purchase their tickets online which helps lessen the spread of COVID-19 and is much more eco-friendly.
The idea that the new ticketing process has opened access to everyone allows for one to come to the conclusion that the future of buying tickets will become more high-tech. The benefits of similar distribution systems of tickets include optimizing cashless options, a cutback on paper usage, and the utilization of online resources. This option has also made it much easier for the staff to keep track of ticket sales as well as making the line process pass by in an efficient manner. The concept of online ticketing allows for COVID-19 precautions to take place in an organized manner. “Only during active eating and drinking can the face cover be removed. We will also have COVID-19 checks for symptoms as you enter the stadium,” Dr. Morales said. This new process adds another layer to the measures being taken to reduce the spread of COVID-19 at South El Monte High School.
The process of purchasing an online ticket for a school event is simple. Also included in the September 9th email, Dr. Morales provided attendees with a tutorial on how to purchase the tickets. Tickets for upcoming events can be purchased on the GoFan app or website. Overall, the introduction to this app paves the way for the introduction of new technology at SEMHS.