Pennies for Patients
Students donating to cancer research.
March 26, 2020
South El Monte High School has been contributing donations to the Pennies For Patients fundraiser that is held by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. South gave a Pennies For Patients box to each class and the 4th period class that donates the most will be rewarded with an Olive Garden lunch.
The money goes to conduct research on blood cancers such as lymphoma, leukemia, myeloma, AML, pediatric cancer, and other rare types of blood cancers. Whatever South has raised goes toward the non-profit organization that provides lifesaving blood cancer research around the world and is the voice for patients with blood cancer.
ASB is in charge of organizing, advertising, collecting money, and ensuring that the money reaches the organization. ¨Knowing that this money is going to a good cause makes me happy that our ASB hosts events that not only bring fun but also those that bring our school together as a community to act selfless and help people we don´t know,¨ says ASB member, Cassandra Flores.
Students not only from ASB but all around the high school are enjoying putting money in the box. ¨ I think it is good that the school is participating in this. I really like how this school is involved with helping people with cancer,¨ Junior Mia Acosta shares.
The winning 4th period is Mr. Escamilla´s class with a total of $316.03 followed by Ms.Christodorescu at $250.28, and Mr.Griffith at $126.92. Teachers this year did an amazing job of encouraging their students to contribute by offering to match the amount in the box themselves.
For example, the ASB teacher Mr.Castillo offered to match the amount if it reached $50 in which they got an amount of $64.01 and he doubled that so that they reached $128.02. This, however, was no match for Mr.Escamilla’s class in which money was donated every day and in the end, Mr. Escamilla added a check of $150 along with his previous donations.
Overall, South El Monte High School has raised a total of $1,106.20! Let´s go Eagles!