Student House of Reps


Tommy Tran, Features Editor

Student House of Representatives meeting Jan 6, 2022


The following notes are regarding the meeting with the Student House of Representatives. During the meeting with the student representatives, they discussed trying to find ways to promote the upcoming Sadie’s dance in any way possible. The dance is being promoted via email, flyers, and announced on the morning announcements. The students made tickets available to be purchased online, the student’s goal is to sell at least 200 tickets. There will be an upcoming night rally which will be held in the gymnasium on February 4th. The theme will be music genres. Each grade will have a specific genre of a song: seniors are pop, juniors are R&B, sophomores are indie, and freshmen are hip hop. During spirit week, there will be a class competition that may take place outside. 


During Spirit week students can dress up accordingly to show school spirit. Students can attend class competitions and there will be class shirts available to be picked up at the student store. Every day there will be a different class color according to the grade level of the students. Freshmen are purple, sophomores are green, juniors are red, and seniors are yellow. During the food fair each club will be selling something, there will be a meeting regarding what each club will sell and club rush. There was going to be an 8th-grade visitation on February 4th, but it was postponed.